After pouring over pictures and researching vendors + venues, you probably have A LOT of paperwork! The best thing you can do for yourself is organize it! Get a 3 ring 1 1/2" binder with some sleeve protectors and start filing away! It's a simple & inexpensive way to keep all of your materials in one place. Also grab up some of those handy tabs that you can put in front of the different documents. I prefer the kind that you can write on.
If you prefer the paperless way... buy a flash drive and create files according to what you would like to save. I ALWAYS have a design idea folder available when I am doing internet research. When meeting with your vendors you can have them pop the flash drive into their computer and see all of your creative ideas! You can also scan all of those contracts + pricing information and place them on your flash drive as well.
Staying organized is the best way to keep your sanity!

{picture via WeddingAccessories.net}
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