Here's a touchy subject that was brought up to me by one of brides and one of the many reasons she hired me. She was doing a lot of research at work because she just didn't have time after her 8a-5p job ended. Most businesses are closed after then and this resulted in her having to go against her company's policies and use company email as well and phone privileges. The biggest issue is EVERYTHING can be tracked which could land you in the office and in trouble! We're even able to track vistors on our pages through simple website optimizer programs... think of what your employer is able to do!
I know how much time and effort goes into planning a wedding so I can understand that there is a need to have time to be able to actually make calls but is it worth risking your job and reputation with your employer? Here are some tips to maybe keep you at peace with your employer during this time.
-Hire a planner! Ashley Troyer Events is completely committed to our brides and our business. We take care of the details, we take care of the phone calls & emails and keep you updated on progress. I am a phone call away Monday-Saturday from 9a-7p and we offer unlimited email and phone support in most of our packages! We're here to make your life easier!
-Talk with your employer about planning your wedding. Ask if there is a way you could schedule some personal days to take care of phone calls, meetings, etc. If you're honest up front, they will most likely understand.
-Ask if you can have access to the computer and internet during your lunch hour. Several brides have said their employer gave them permission.
- If your employer is not accomodating to your situation, take it one day at a time and get a few phone calls taken care of during lunch. Explain to the person that you are calling that you have a limited amount of time to talk and you are trying to get details for your wedding ironed out.

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