Friday, May 1, 2009

Wedding Gifts and Registries

Many people still consider sending the couple's registry information in the invitation rude. I have my own feelings on that and I think that the rudeness factor is just a matter of opinion. I have talked with several guests that actually would like for the couple to send the information and there are the other guests that see it as expecting something that you picked out. When you consider that the majority of the workforce in just a few short years will be 30 and under, that whole concept will shortly change as this generation thrives off of their lives being in a whirlwind of technology and the majority of everything at their fingertips. So with that said (fellow planners, please do not shoot me, it's not bad advice - it's the truth!) - what do you buy the couple? With registries everywhere - and maybe not one ounce of clue where to start, what do you do? I for one, do not enjoy buying off of registries. It's not personal and it's not something they will remember because they actually picked the gift out. I find it to be just as nice to do something for the couple that they will hold onto for as long as that item lasts. Something handmade like a quilt, pillow, afghan or something framed. I am a little more sentimental than most and I heart anything that someone has put their time and effort into. So to every bride out there, if you receive something from a guest that is handmade, cherish it because it came from the heart and that mod dinnerware will not be as cool a few years down the road!

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