Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Worth It Wednesday: Table Linens

So I left a meeting yesterday so inspired to write this blog because one thing was reiterated to me, not through specific words, but through the entire concept of the meeting. It was all about linens. So I am going to pass on to you a little secret... the linens that come from warehouses in this area, used by caterers, are not top quality and they are basically table covers. Now does that mean they are not sufficient for hosting your reception or party? Not at all. But here are a few ideas to add in some high quality linens that will up your decor without breaking your budget:

Rent linens for the cake table or head table: Dress it up, make it funky and chic. This will definitely make a statement and be memorable.

Rent just napkins: When you look at the price of renting, it might make you say NO WAY! But after you place them on the table and they are the exact green, orange or pink that you have throughout your wedding decor, you can sacrifice in other areas because it will look FABULOUS!

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