Friday, March 20, 2009

Fun Friday! - World Wedding Traditions

I have always been VERY interested in culture. Whether it be religious culture (I swear I wish I were born in India so I could have a lavish colorful wedding that lasted for days!!) or just national culture... it intrigues me. What better way to do explore that more with knowing more about wedding traditions around the world?!

Here are a few:


One ritual, which is found in almost every community is when the groom brings home his new bride, the groom's sisters block the entrance to the home and demand money from their brother as a shagun before they let him in. This is a fun filled and enjoying ritual. My favorite is the henna tattoos that the bride takes such great pride in getting! They even hide the groom's name in it!


The bride will get not 2 but 3 rings for her wedding! Her engagement, her wedding band and a motherhood band. It symbolizes that a wedding is not just about two people coming together as one, but two people joining to create a family. Lucky lady! :)


Just before the marriage vows are spoken - there is a musical wedding march called the Zaffa. There is traditional Egyptian music, belly dancers, drums horns and performers with flaming swords. Many Egyptians believed that the ring finger has the "vein amoris", the vein of love, which runs straight to the heart.


Guests dance around for hours, it's a dance called the Pandango. The bride will receive money by guests pinning it to her dress to pay for their honeymoon expenses! How many of you would be willing to accept that?!


A tradition in Mexico is a white ribbon or rosary be placed around the necks of the newlywed couple, symbolizing the joining of the two souls.


It is traditional for the bride to braid her hair, as it is considered a sacred way to preserve one’s feminine power and brings luck to the newlywed couple.

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